Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last of 2008!

Winter light on Raoul.
Originally uploaded by pug freak
Unfortunately, this picture does not reflect the horrendous weather outside right now. Rain/Snow making for a very slushy environment.

Anyway, 2008 was a fine year with a few ups and downs. I'm looking forward to many more pig ears, parma bones, home cookin', blogging friends, and lots of travel (as always). What I hope to not have in 2009 is anymore cancerous mast cell tumors. Here's to a new healthy year full of lots of friends and food!!!!!

Peace out!



petoskystone said...

i wish fine health & family joy to you & yours, raoul. seeing your families enjoyment of your company make me think of having a pug for company in the next year.........

pugfreak said...

Thanks for the warm wishes petoskystone! I highly recommend a pug. Your life won't be the same!!!